
Round two: Grass

Here's the second round of options for the logo I've been working on. I was asked to draw some grass and I immediately pulled out my ink and nibs. I love working with ink, but I haven't been able to pull out my dipping ink and assortment of nibs in a while. All of the line art for the precise map work I do,, is done with very fine, technical drawing pens (ex: .005). I love the freedom and serendipitous strokes that happen with this medium. It also got me thinking about the last couple weeks and how fortunate I've been to be able to pull out so many different mediums that I enjoy, but don't always get to use: Acrylic paint, latex paint, gouache, pastels, charcoal, graphite, colored pencils, ink, and my digital pen.

Some of the submitted logos for the "Grass Round":

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